Full Moon in Cancer 2017.01.12


Full Moon over Water

Here I am enjoying the beautiful full moon in Cancer! It was a lovely evening here on Long Island. Temperature was in the 50’s and sky was only partly cloudy, which I thought added an air of mystery to the moon. One of my favorite past times is to sit outside down by the water and gaze at the moon. I do some of my best brainstorming there. Something about the sound of the ocean waves and the scent of the sea air that helps open up my creative energy. Then of course there is the Moon and her light, urging me to move on with my projects, advice columns and other theatrical projects. It’s not always easy or fun being the Crone Of The Village but in moments like this I am home.

The Full Moon in Cancer combined with the Sun in Capricorn unites the energy of our inner emotional landscape with our outward manifestation in the physical world. It’s a great time to ask yourself a few questions about how your emotions show up in your life. Are you holding on to things and so these old energies keep coming around or is it time to think about expressing your emotions more plainly in your life, be it in words or music or some other art form, decorating your home perhaps? Take some time to tune into how you are feeling right now and jot down a few ideas to act on over the next couple of weeks. Happy Moon Gazing!

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