Full Moon in Cancer 2018.01.01

FUll MOon in Cacner 2018.01.01This new year brings with it some great energy! First, it’s an 11 year, meaning the digits 2+0+1+8=11 in western numerology. Eleven is considered the first of what are called the Master Numbers. These being the repeated double digits; 11, 22, 33. Eleven is a highly intuitive number and many consider it the hallmark of psychic ability as well as the capability for building concrete goals. This should be a banner year for all magical businesses!

More to the point for our immediate awareness is the Full Moon in Cancer which occurs on January 1, 2018.  This full moon is also called the Wolf Moon, Snow Moon and Hunger Moon in the USA as it’s historically a time when wolves are out and about in the winter snow and hungry so they are frequently heard howling at the moon in January.

As for us, this moon is what we call a Super Moon! In fact it’s the closest the moon will be to the Earth in 2018. This Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer, The Crab. The moon likes to be in Cancer. It’s her natural watery way of being. Cancer is known as the nurturer of the zodiac, the ultimate mothering energy. That’s not to say men can’t be strong Cancers, I know several and they are wonderfully doting fathers and great friends. It has nothing to do with whether you are male or female and everything to do with archetype energy. This moon is made even more interesting in that it occurs when the Sun is in Capricorn. Capricorn is the ultimate Father energy, the wise elder, the achiever! So here we have the celestial parent energies combined right at the start of a New Year of magical expansion and with a Super Moon! Pretty Exciting!

Working with these two archetypes over the next Full Moon window we are being called to reflect on how best to use the energy in the field to our best advantage. I frequently ask myself a few questions. Full Moons are all about things we’ve manifested, things coming to fruition and endings believe it or not. The New Moon is when we work with the energy of beginnings and goal setting.

First, think back over 2017, have you truly nurtured yourself this past year? Have you sacrificed your health, or safety/security, your peace of mind, in your desire for advancement or in manifesting your dream life? Have you felt alone as you climb the ladder to success? Have you ignored your in person relationships as you expanded your online connections? Have you eaten right, exercised, gotten enough sleep? These are all actions that Cancer brings awareness to. Capricorn will help give focus to how you can best plan ahead for being good to you and being good to everyone else and your career.

Musically, Cancer is a great place to be! Rock out those emotions! Pour all of your feelings from last year into new lyrics, new melodies. This is a wonderful time to create! Not a writer? Read through some new songs! Take a turn at some poetry you’ve always been interested in! Use the magic of storytelling to commune with Cancer. Call on Capricorn to be the prism through which you become the methodical artist, making phrase markings and managing the details to move through the process of musical expression. This is truly a wonderful placement for musicians or any artists!

Only you can define the best personal, artistic and business year ahead for you. Let Cancer and Capricorn, the Mother and Father of the zodiac, help light the way this Full Moon.

Take care of yourself…and your creations!

Please message me, if you would like to subscribe to Sorella’s Spellings, my new magical, musical blog.

Wishing You a Magically Musical and Very Happy New Year!




2 thoughts on “Full Moon in Cancer 2018.01.01

  1. LOVE

    • Sorella Sorcière

      Thank you, Heather! Happy New Year!

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