Full Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Virgo

Tonight’s Full Moon has many names, as all moons do, based on nature and culture. This one is the Worm Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, and I’m sure a host of others.

What interests me at this time is that it’s also known as the Lenten Moon, as it is the last full moon of winter which occurs during the Christian season of Lent. The next full moon will be the first Full Moon of the Spring, known as the Paschal or Easter Moon. Many starry night sky watching Christians will know that Easter occurs on the Sunday following the first full moon of Spring.

But for now, back to Lent, we think of Lent as a time of giving up things, sometimes our favorite things or foods, as it  has a meal fasting component as well. It is a season not unlike the fasting seasons of other seemingly unrelated faiths, and one meant to also put us in touch with the blessings of our lives, after all, one cannot miss what one has never had, and remind us of those less fortunate than ourselves. May we never lose touch with our compassion in the busy moments of our lives.

This Full Moon is also the last marker in a long cycle of healing which has run over the last two years. You will begin to notice that the things you “gave up” or no longer “need” begin to fall away over the next couple of weeks.

The Archetype of Virgo is that of The Priest/The Priestess. The one concerned with carrying out her or his sacred work in the world. The Archetype of Pisces is The Dreamer.  This Full Moon window, that of the Lenten Moon, gives us the perfect opportunity to contemplate our dreams and how to turn them into goals that honor our spiritual connection to our individual higher power and others.

Give some thought over the next few days to how you can bring your sacred work to the world. Virgo is very down to earth and practical, great with details and organization, so start making plans for those thoughts or visions you’ve been holding in your heart.

You have the dream because you are meant to bring it into being.

Happy Planning! Happy Dreaming! Happy Lent for those celebrating!

Until Next Time…

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