Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year!

It is New Year’s Eve and this year we stand at The Door of The Decade of Possibility.

I entered 2010 exhausted from a cluster of persistent and mysterious physical ailments. I leave 2019 not only healthier but pretty much free of all symptoms. Magic, maybe a little bit, but the key was persistence. Among my tarot reading friends, the 9 of Wands, is not a well loved card. It shows a man battered, with his head bandaged, standing, leaning on a long staff (wand) with a row of long staves behind him.Nine of Wands RWS Tarot

This is one of my favorite cards. The esoteric name for this card is, The Lord of Great Strength. Yes, obviously, the character has been through a lot but he has not given up. To me, he is gathering his forces, the great strength and fortitude to go for that last push toward his goals be they business success, creative pursuits or as it was in my case good health. 

In a way, my entire decade has been about this card and calling on my reserves of inner strength. Not the pretty images of strength but the down in the muck and mire inner strength. It is strength that’s a combination of will and intent. Setting intentions are not enough, my friends. It’s good to have intentions, goal, dreams, desires but that is what they remain without the force of will. It is the stamina to go on when others say they can’t help you, the resourcefulness to chart another course midstream when your career path ends, and the steadfast faith in knowing “all is well” that comes from life experience and not merely reading self-help books. Intent is the wish. Will is the elbow grease. Whenever I see this card, Elton John’s, “I’m Still Standing” plays in my head.

2019 was a tough year. A fun year with a lot going on but some times it seemed like a whirlwind! I think that’s because it was clearing out a lot of the old decade things like allergies that came and are now gone, friendships lost and others mended, replacing the car that carried me to doctor appointments these last ten years, and dropping parts of my career so that what remains brings me great joy even though it isn’t quite what I set out to do!The Lady of Material Gain

And so I finish out the decade healthy, having come full circle back to who I was as a young person with a love of song, dance, tarot, astrology, magic and mythology. I stand in an abundantly fruitful garden of possibility as does The Lady of Material Gain in the 9 of Pentacles. I got here with grit and planning.  Success through intent and will. Many times at a snail’s pace! See the snail in the garden!

This NYE I ask you, “What is it that you intend to do or become?” If you’re happy today, may you always have joy. If you’re yearning for something more, then I offer you some thoughts on New Year’s intentions and a visualization that I’ve shared before and do for myself each year.

Word of The Year

My life, my love, my business are all celebrations of voice, the sounding of words. Over the course of the last decade, I have needed to remind myself of lessons I learned long ago. Words are visual/vocal/aural symbols for thoughts and ideas. Words, the ones we speak to ourselves and over others can be either a blessing or a curse. I would ask you to remember this in your own life as we move into 2020. It is an exercise in extreme mindfulness! Think of the intention, the meaning, the vibration, of your words before you speak them, even if only to yourself, especially to yourself!, as words create your reality. 

A tradition or ritual that I hear people talk about each year is choosing a “Word of The Year”. I’ve done this a few times but not in many years. The reason is that you must be intensely committed to learning your word in all of its forms!

You see, there is a caveat which comes from choosing a “Word of The Year”. The caution here is that the “Word” becomes your learning experience for the year. The “Word” will challenge you by providing life lessons through both its light and dark aspects. Long term goals are a great thing; and committing to “learning your word” is not something to enter into lightly. May you be blessed in your choice if you choose one.

A Year of Good Things Jar

A ritual that I start a new each January 1 is a Year of Good Things Jar! I rip up pieces of paper and when good things happen I write them down and toss them in the jar. It’s so easy to lose sight of the miracles that happen around us so this acts as a living record of sorts. Then on New Year’s Eve, I pour a glass of sparkling cider, light a candle and open the jar to remind me of the blessings of the outgoing year. If you do this, you will be amazed at the blessings you forgot about. I know I always am!

The Doorway of Possibility Visualization

For me, the New Year represents a doorway to possibility. It is a time for reflection and a time for dreams; for today we stand in what we call liminal space, the time between what was and what is next.

If you are looking for a special New Year ritual that’s a little different, here is one I’ve used, from one of my teachers, and I think you’ll find it very powerful.

Imagine you are standing between two doors. You can conjure up whatever you think they look like, a door, a gate, fancy, or not, however you want them to look.

Open the door to your right and inside put all of the things, relationships, places, situations, feelings and experiences that you are leaving behind in 2019. Everything that is staying in 2019 goes in there. Whatever it is, whoever it is.. is NOT coming into 2020 with you! Once it’s all in there… before you close the door… Give Thanks… because every thing, every one, every experience, every feeling of 2019, and the last decade, taught you something and you could not have arrived at this “in between” space without it!

It could be as simple as saying, “Thank you, but I’m done.” After you Give Thanks, close the door, and turn your back on it and all the things, relationships, feelings, situations it contains, because they are not coming with you! This can be scary or make you nervous, but you can do it!

Now, turn to your left. The door on the left is The Door of Possibility; The Door of Potential. Beyond this door are all of the Yes! moments that have yet to arrive! This is everything you wish to become, to receive, all that you hope to bring into being. Think of those things, imagine it! All those Yes! moments. They are just on the other side of that door.

Really connect with the energy of THIS moment for standing at the threshold of new life can be very moving and very powerful. It’s a wonderful place to be, isn’t it?

When you are ready, maybe on your next breath, open The Door of Possibility. Don’t try to visualize all of the goodness to come. Many times the best gifts are unplanned and unexpected. Why rob yourself of being surprised? Just feel into that space and dream.

May all that is contained therein, all the potential, all the possibilities, be in service of your highest good, the good of our planet and all of her inhabitants. 

Many Blessings and Happy New Year!

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